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Public Relations Corner

State Public Relations Co-Directors:

Terri Fassio
Winchester Grange #74
2529 Santa Catalina Drive, #107
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Tel. 860-626-5074
Cell/Text: 714-600-6342

E-mail Terri Fassio

Robert Charbonneau
Cheshire Grange #23
102 Spring Street
Meriden CT 06451
Tel. 203-237-4617

E-mail Robert Charbonneau


Frank Forrest
Hillstown Grange #87

Roy Harrington
Hemlock Grange #182

Debbie Hanlon
Taghhannuck Grange #100

Meghan Flanagan
Taghhannuck Grange #100

Public Relations News ...
Public Relations News: Get creative and have fun with food

It’s no secret - Granges are known for their amazing food. From picnics to potlucks, from refreshments to fundraising suppers, from baking contest entries to chili cook-offs, to bake sales - there is an abundance of food that has been surrounding Granges since their beginnings nearly 160 years ago.

To view the full article, click here

Public Relations News: The Benefits of Communicating

In the Grange world, you can never say “thank you” enough. Not sending a token of appreciation sends the message that your Grange isn’t organized, aren’t grateful, and, worst of all, maybe didn’t even need the support!

To view the full article, click here

Public Relations Notes ...
What does Public Relations have to do with my Grange?

Public relations is vital to the success of the Granges across Connecticut. Communication is essential to Grange success, both internally and externally. The more visibility the Grange has, the more positive community support it will attract, the more pride the membership will have in the organization, and ultimately the more members it will gain. It’s a simple formula.

Favorable media exposure means recognition in the community, acknowledgement of Grange activities, services and accomplishments and a higher profile of your Grange among potential members. Internally, it will help build pride in membership that will grow a more successful Grange. From building awareness and credibility to supporting fund-raising efforts, well-executed public relations efforts can make the difference between achieving the Grange’s goals or falling desperately short of them.

Public Relations Tips and Ideas ...

Learn the tips, tricks and how-to's to get your Grange and it's events, projects and activities the attention they deserve. Click through to learn how to maximize your publicity effectiveness.

Public Relations Tips

Tools available for Download ...

Visit the Downloads page to find numerous brochures, posters, forms, and more available for download for all aspects of the Grange in Connecticut.

Take Me To The Downloads Page

Public Relations Committee Mission Statement ...

The Mission of the Connecticut State Grange Public Relations Committee is: to promote the Grange as an identifiable service-oriented organization, staying true to its agricultural and historical roots while increasing relevancy in today’s communities; to serve the Connecticut State Grange as its informational conduit to Subordinate (local) Granges and to the public on general or specific items which are of informational or promotional topics; to work in connection with the Membership Committee to promote and advertise the benefits of The Grange; to assist other Connecticut State Grange committees with their specific promotions; to promote contests and events which encourage participation of Grange members; and to create new and unique ways of promoting the Grange in the communities across Connecticut.

News Articles
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