Public Relations Tips |
Public Relations Committee
Public Relations Tips & Ideas: The Ins & Outs of Spam/Junk Mail
January 1, 2023 -- Do messages you receive from @ CTStateGrange.org email accounts go to your SPAM/Junk Mail folder?
We are getting reports that for some recipients, messages from CTStateGrange.org email addresses are sporadically going to SPAM and Junk Mail folders instead of arriving in the recipients’ inboxes.
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How can my Grange be newsworthy?
NOVEMBER 2010 -- The first step for getting noticed by the media is to be newsworthy. As the Grange is a community-based, service-oriented organization, you’ve got a head start. Your community service work, events, programs, and benefit to your community, are inherently newsworthy.
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Marketing and Your Event: What Works, What Doesn't
JANUARY 2009 -- Here are tips to help you avoid learning the hard way what doesn't work when planning your next event. 1. Effective Copy Writing -- No matter what type of event you're planning, it's your promotional copy (such as your press releases and posters) — and how it's written — that is going to get people to sign up or attend.
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Proper Press Release Content
MARCH 2008 -- There are seven basic elements that every press release should have in terms of content and how it appears: 1. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: These words should appear in the upper left-hand margin, just under your letterhead. You should capitalize every letter.
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Press Release Formatting Tips
FEBRUARY 2008 -- 1. Use 8 1⁄2 x 11 paper. 2. Use a minimum of one-inch margins on each side of the page. 3. Use a Bold typeface for the headlines to draw attention.
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