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Public Relations News
Public Relations News: One Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

By Robert Charbonneau, Public Relations Co-Director

  June 1, 2022 --

Trying to capture the essence of a PR event at your local Grange doesn’t require: expensive equipment, the ability to capture that one great shot and putting out a snappy article combining picture and words. That might have been true in the 1970’s if you had: a professional film camera along with your own dark room and an IBM Selectric II typewriter. But yes, it also helps having an “in” with a local newspaper who are equipped to come to your event and cover it. Back then, access to a “One Hour Photo” and a note pad was sufficient to put together your own press release for a local newspaper about  your  special  Grange  event or Lecturer’s program.  Submitting your own press release allows for full control of your message and photos. Although, it may take several days waiting for photos to get developed.

Fifty years later, most folks have at their fingertip computer devices such as an electronic assistant, a smart phone or any computer device which allows for: digital photo taking, photo editing, note taking and Wi-Fi access to the internet. This last item opens the ability to send combined text and pictures to a media outlet or to a Social media application, such as “Facebook” or “Twitter.” The media outlets have the ability to accept press releases by email or on a page in their website. In fifty years, the time needed to put out a press release has been greatly reduced. It has come down from days to minutes.

With the advent of technology, it all comes down to what you, or your members have available to capture photos of an important Grange event. According to a PEW Research Center September 29, 2016 survey households contain on average: 84% have two smartphones, 80% have one computer and 68% have one tablet device. This means most people have available a digital camera and the means to prepare a press release. Chances are, you have  a  budding   photojournalist in your Grange who can help out taking photos of an event.

In closing here are some suggestions:

  • Keep a notepad available to jot down information about each photo set – don’t be afraid to ask for details (who, what, where, when, why and how)
  • Taking   multiple    photos or possibly having  the  camera  in “burst” mode gives one a greater chance to capture an important moment (example: Grange President  presenting  a  certificate and shaking the recipient’s hand) – chances are greater down-selecting to the best representative photo is possible.
  • Be respectful of those around you – you may be one of many there taking photos – be discrete.
  • After the event or meeting is over, select your photo(s) and prepare an article from your notes – keep it brief – even The Connecticut Granger may have space limitations.
  • Most importantly – have fun!

If your Grange needs assistance with content marketing, please contact the Public Relations Committee. We’re here to help! E-mail: Bob - publicrelations@ctstategrange.org , Terri - information@ctstategrange.org, Frank - prforrest@ctstategrange.org , Roy  -  aststeward@ctstategrange.org . We’re here to help!



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