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Around The Grange
Feb News from N. Stonington Community Grange No. 138

By Nancy R. Weissmuller

  FEBRUARY 11, 2025 --

Feb. 14: The Rough Riders! The Spanish-American War

Feb. 28:  Snow Date for Feb. (otherwise no meeting)

December was a busy month. We purchased many gift cards to donate to needy families to help them have a happier holiday. Our Christmas party was attended by 14 happy children (and their parents) and Santa was there with gifts. The town garden club used our hall to put their lovely creations and we caroled around town delivering fruit baskets to members and friends. It was suggested we substitute “Singin’ in the Rain” in place of the traditional carols; but the carols won out in the end. We even sang a chorus of Happy Birthday at one stop.

This year we participated in Wreaths Across America. Debbie Barnes arranged for a most impressive program at Wheeler Cemetery on December 14. The ceremony included town officials, family members of the 59 veterans interred there and many volunteers. Grange members read the name of each veteran; then family members and volunteers placed a wreath on each grave. At the end of the ceremony, a trumpeter played Taps. This program had its beginnings in 1992 when a gentleman named Morrill Worcester, a wreath maker who found himself with 5,000 surplus wreaths on his hands after Christmas decided to donate them to Arlington National Cemetery. However, in 2007 it became an official non-profit and now there are more than two million volunteers and supporters involved every year. Debbie arranged for donations from the Connecticut State Grange, the Rotary Club and the town cemetery committee and we thank these organizations most sincerely. The Grange paid the rest. This will be an annual event with our Grange. And if Ol’ Man Winter will just be gentle with us this year, next time I’ll tell you all about jolly January.



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