Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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President's Message
President’s Message: Miscellaneous

By Robert Buck, CT State Grange President

  AUGUST 1, 2024 --

About a month ago, I received a letter from CT State Senator Patricia Billie Miller (27th District) on letterhead from the Black and Puerto Rican Caucus (BPRC). In her letter, she expressed the sentiment that our usage of the term “Master” in the heading of my monthly column in the CT Granger was not only insensitive to the feelings of many people of color whose ancestors experienced the horrors of slavery, but outdated and inappropriate in this day and age due to perceived offensiveness. She asked to be removed from our mailing list. I replied to Sen. Miller, both acknowledging her having been offended while further apologizing and stating that we do not wish to offend; furthermore, I made it clear that our use of “Master” and “Overseer” in the Grange does not have any connection to the institution of slavery, but dates back to an earlier English usage. I even provided her an electronic copy of Welcome to the Grange where this is all explained in print. As an aside, I admitted my lack of a direct genealogical connection to the slavery issue and sense of tradition in the organization allowed this to continue; I know some don’t like these words, but after all, I reasoned that since I know the history, it could be defended.

Folks, I know the traditionalists among you don’t like to give up time honored practices in our Order, especially those you understand and value. However, in our public position as strong lobbyists for our rural and farm interests, I believe in first impressions being of primary importance. We do not live in a vacuum, as both the world and even our greater community are diverse. At some point, respect of others feelings is imperative; “Just get over it” doesn’t fly anymore. While we in the Grange are predominantly Caucasian today, we will not survive unless we open the door to all, and the first step is to put a stop to all possible sources of offense insofar as we are able.

From here on, my column will be called “From the President’s Desk.” There is an ongoing debate about addressing the two top leaders in our Subordinate Granges within the organization across Connecticut and other states too. Some have changed and some have not. In some cases, there is a two tier system of usage of these words within and without the Grange. This is hard to sustain, and I urge you all to revisit this debate and act wisely. How many of you even knew the extent of circulation of out CT Granger? As we do not wish to lose our allies in Hartford, I asked Sen. Miller to hold off on being removed from our list.

This brings me to another ongoing series; that being National President Chris Hamp’s “Speak Like a Champ.” This month, it’s the “WOW factor.” The WOW factor would that thing that really grabs your attention when looking at or listening to something or someone. As you see from the example above, the WOW factor was not so desirable and because of that we took a hit. Lessons learned and we have to move forward to make these WOW Factors positive. Consider this principle each time you and your Grange interact with the public in whatever way you do. We know we are good people trying to do good things for our Order and the communities in which we live to make a world a better place for ALL. From the Grange Heirloom Program for August, consider this: Wherever you go, whatever your calling, aim to do good. Good deeds are ever more fruitful of yet more good.

Cleanup day at the Eastern States Exposition Fairgrounds was held June 30 to get the New England Grange Building in order for the rapidly approaching Big E to be held from Sept. 13-29. Attendance was light due to illness, scheduling conflicts, and other factors. We got some things done, but another session will need to be held. Right now is the time to get handmade articles to Dawn or myself to go to the NEGB.  Volunteers are being sought to work in the store and host the Connecticut room. Please contact me or Noel if you are interested and able to contribute time.

Our annual State Grange Session is approaching. It will be held October 17, 18, and 19 at Norwich Holiday Inn. Get your resolutions and contest entries in. Remember this year will also be and election of officers year. As the installation will follow, it will be a busy time. I have to say that relearning the sixth degree has not been nearly as hard as the first time through. Get your reservations in as we would like good attendance and all Granges represented. The room rates are good thanks to the work of Secretary Todd Gelineau negotiating the contract with the hotel. The camaraderie among Grangers at State Session is always great, and contributions by our National representative are thought provoking. Register soon!

By the time you read this, the Eastern Connecticut Pomona sponsored Lighthouse Cruise will be history. I want to thank Jaimie Cameron for organizing this social event which I anticipate will be delightful. It would be nice to have more such events in the future. Perhaps an afternoon at a Connecticut winery could be arranged. Maggie and I had a wonderful time at Beacon Valley’s 135th Anniversary and Awards Night. With Grange fairs coming up, get out and visit some fellow Grangers’ endeavors.



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