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President's Message
President's Message: Granges Off to a Great Start

By George Russell, CT State Grange President

  February 1, 2020 --

As I am writing this report for the February issue of the Connecticut Granger in the middle of January, the temperatures in Connecticut were in the 60s and 70s! On the evening news they showed people out playing golf, people jogging and enjoying the spring-like weather. As the first half of January has been warmer than normal;  we’ll  have to wait and see what the second half brings. They are forecasting some cold weather and snow in the coming weeks. That’s New England weather!

The Legislative Committee, under the direction of Alma Graham, has met and put together the Connecticut State Grange Legislative Policy Handbook that will be distributed to our State Representatives and Senators. This booklet is updated each year with the new policies that have been adopted at last year’s State Session.

Family Activities Director Cindy Legg has sent out the recipes for this coming year’s baking contest and information on this year’s craft contest. If you have not received them, please contact Cindy Legg for more information. Marianne Nielsen, from Redding Grange, has been appointed to the CWA Committee. Sister Nielsen was formerly a member of the Youth Committee. Two other new appointments are Roy Harrington, from Hemlock Grange, has been appointed a Deputy and Betty Jane Harrington was appointed to the Youth Committee. Sister Harrington will replace Sister Nielsen on the Youth Committee.

Membership Committee Director Faith Quinlan is busy putting the final touches together for a workshop to be held on April 18, 2020 at Ekonk Community Grange in Sterling, CT.  The workshop will be presented by speaker Carmen Brickner. This workshop will be open for Grange members and non- Grange members to attend for a slight fee which will include lunch. So save the date: April 18, 2020.

I would like to congratulate Bridgewater Grange for putting on a successful third Annual Chili Cook-off. I saw the pictures and article written in the Republican American newspaper. There were 12 participants and well over 100 people who attended this event. Hope you will get a few new members out of this successful event! Congratulations again and keep up the good work! I would also like to congratulate Senexet Grange’s new Master Pat Valys for taking over after the passing of Joan Perry. Senexet Grange has started several new projects for their community. Keep up the good work!

I’ll leave you with this old saying... “In New England, if you don’t like the weather, just wait a minute!”



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