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President's Message
President's Message: National 150th Anniversary Started

By Noel Miller, CT State Grange President

  December 5, 2016 --

The National Grange has kicked off its 150th anniversary celebration at the 150th annual convention in Washington, D.C., birthplace of the Grange.  We all know the history of the founding of the Grange, where Oliver Kelley, working at the Department of Agriculture was sent out to evaluate the conditions of agriculture after the four year devastation of the Civil War. In his tour of a nation that had survived a division of states, families, political parties and economic groups, Kelley found a common core that people from the North and South could rally around for the interest of all the Grange.

We all hear that things go in full circle for a reason.  After this year’s Presidential election, we seem to be in a divided nation once again:, economic despair, joblessness, cultural clashes, environmental concerns over energy production, and states’ rights.  We seem to have, again, gone full circle and maybe the Grange can unite and rebrand this divided nation as we did 150 years ago. Our values are our strength and “We ask none to join us who cannot see good in their fellow beings; but to all interested in agriculture , who have generous hearts and open hands to help the needy, raise the fallen, and aid in making the labors of this life cheerful, we say “Welcome to the Grange.” We need to take this opportunity to take the lead as the seven founders of the Order did 150 years ago to reach out to everyone to partake in our group. “We are constantly passing blindly along the pathway of life, events occurring that we do not understand, and often encountering difficulties and obstructions in our way, but we should press forward, having Faith in God will ultimately bring us into the broad and pleasant fields of Paradise.” Now is the time to renew our commitment to the Order and seek honorable men and women to join us.

The National Grange 150th convention was exciting and exhausting. We had more resolutions than the previous years, but many seem to be repeats and are already Grange policy or state issues. Connecticut’s three resolutions met the titles of the committees, one on (5) Treaties and Trade deals was policy, (32) Ecology, was withdrawn because the committee read too much into the resolve, (33) Ecology was adopted on the floor. The debating seemed to take forever and the word adverse seems to have caused delegates to bring these resolutions to the floor only to be defeated.

The National Grange was able to lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. It was very touching that we had Grange members from the Korean War, Vietnam, 80s actions, current actions, escort the wreath. It was a proud time to be a Granger. We also toured the monuments at night and had a chance to see the National Grange building at 1616 H St. NW, which overlooks the White House. The Seventh Degree was conferred on 145 candidates with three from Connecticut. Congratulations to Ekonk Grange #89 for their fifth year in a row winning of the Distinguished Grange Award. Good job to all your members for this achievement.

The National Grange will be publishing a quarterly magazine called “Good Day.” To subscribe you need to go to the National Grange website and sign up. They also have a Grange radio station that is computer sourced news and entertainment. Check it out.

The 150th celebration continues to the 151st National Convention in Spokane, Washington, November 7-11, 2017. Watch for future National Grange events that are planned for the next year.

The G Dollars were such a successful activity that we are continuing this activity for the next year so please start saving those G Dollars.

New plans and programs are being worked on by our state committees so please watch for their release in the next few months.

Marcia and I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Successful New Year. Goodbye 2016 and hello 2017. May you be better to us than your predecessor was.


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