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President's Message
President's Message: The Hot Days of Summer

By Noel Miller, CT State Grange President

  AUGUST 4, 2016 --

Well the hot days of summer are upon us, it’s fun and family time. Fun with the abundant fairs - that are throughout our state and family with reunions, weddings, and family outings. Our Granges will be hosting picnics or mystery rides to get Grangers and friends together before they go back to school or their winter havens.

The Northeast Lecturer’s Conference will be in the books and hopefully everyone returns with new material and friendship to share at their meetings. Lecturers need to have the opportunity to have a program at every meeting, for this is one of the principles of the Grange founders, for education and social activities for our Grangers.  The office of Lecturer is one of the hardest but with a good program it can keep members coming back to our meetings.

In my travels we see that many of our Granges are struggling to get new members, or members to come to a Grange meeting. The State Grange membership committee has offered programs and a membership packet for new members. Some have asked for these tools and have benefited from its success.  Those who haven’t fall under the excuse that it will not work. Well… is what you are presently doing working? If not please ask our membership committee for help, if it doesn’t work then you can blame me for making you do it.

Many Granges are having problems filling out Executive Committee Reports for the State Grange. I will set up a workshop after National Session for Masters, Secretaries, Treasurers and Executive Committee members to review and answer questions as to what we are looking for on these forms, and any other questions about Grange meetings.

National Grange is celebrating 150 years in Washington, D.C. this November and we are working on a bus and lodging for members to go down and participate in the celebration. Keep your eyes open for further information on this trip.

The Big E is just around the corner and I hope to see you up at the New England Grange Building. This is the place to see old friends and make new ones by working in the sales room or sitting in the Connecticut Room.  Be aware of traffic delays on the Springfield end of I-84 due to construction. It might be wise to approach from the Agawam side of the fair.

I hope that everyone has had conversation on the Pomona issue because this will be a topic at State Session and hopefully some ideas or answers can be obtained as to what Connecticut is to do about Pomona Granges.  Our deliberations are being watched by National Grange as well as our neighboring states. The same questions are being asked in their states.  Enjoy your summer and hope to see you about.  Noel.


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