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From The Chaplain's Desk
March 2012 Chaplain's Corner

By Marvin Wilbur, Past Connecticut State Grange Chaplain

  MARCH 3, 2012 --

I am writing this article for our Chaplain Amy Whitcomb. She is unable to do it for now. We all wish you a speedy recovery, Amy, and God be with you.

I am writing this on February 1st and the weather is beautiful. We have no snow, the temperature is in the 50’s and it feels like spring. I have a robin in my yard since last week; the maple taps are in and running well; and the spring flowers are all coming up. I am looking for pussy willows but have not seen any lately—most of the bushes have been cut around here. Spring is in the air!

Spring for me is the season of change, change from staying in to getting out more. I just filled the birdfeeders again and as I did so I looked around the yard to see what has to be done. I even purchased some flower seeds today—morning glories and sunflowers. Some of us even have to do spring cleaning—throwing out the things we don’t need anymore and making room for newer things.  Now remember, just don’t put the old stuff away because you “might” need it some day. You know you won’t.

Perhaps now is the time to look forward to some changes in our habits as well. We can strive to get out and walk more, perhaps even sit on the porch or out in the yard. We can strive to exercise more to keep our body and mind in shape. We can strive to eat more healthy food.  As we begin to get ourselves in shape we will feel more like doing other things that we enjoy.

Since March is here the snow should be less and that means we can visit more. Have you been visiting your nearby Granges? You know an unexpected visit brings smiles to the visited Grangers and to you. You notice of everyone gathers around you to greet you and thank you for coming. And the smiles—what a sight—it just warms you through and through. Have you ever noticed how those we visit seem to stand straighter, and look at things in a more positive light?

When you see the smiles, the laughter and the good fellowship when you visit, perhaps that is what it will be like in the Great Grange Above when we get there. Perhaps we should be visiting our shut-ins more to bring smiles and laughter to them. Who knows how long it has been since some one from the Grange has visited. Perhaps we could bring something for them to enjoy as well so they will remember the visit as then enjoy the flowers, or candy or book.

For then we can ask: “Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirst and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you. The Kind will reply, I tell you the truth, whatever you did for the one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me. (Matthew 25:37-40).


Editor's Note:  We thank Brother Wilbur for stepping in for Sister Amy and writing this monthly message.  We join with him in wishing Sister Amy a return to better health.



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