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Around The Grange
Nationwide Grange Gathering to be held July 16

By Pete Pompper, National Grange Lecturer

  APRIL 8, 2011 --

Note:  The following is the information received from National Grange.  Save the date as the Connecticut and Rhode Island State Granges will be co-hosting an Old-Fashioned Grange Picnic as their contribution to the celebration on July 16. More details will be available soon.


From the National Lecturers Office:

National Master Ed Luttrell after last National Grange session asked what we as an organization were going to do to follow up on the success of the rededication of our building in Washington DC. This event was an overwhelming success not only in the number of Grangers who attended but also in a renewed energy for our organization. After discussing several ideas with some Grangers I proposed we hold a Nationwide Grange Gathering on July 16, 2011. The intent is to build on the energy and enthusiasm that has been building within our Granges for the past few years.

This event will be overseen by the National Lecturers office as far as sending out event ideas and for collecting information about what Granges did at their Grange Gathering. With the purpose of putting together a video to show at this year’s NG session celebrating what Granges did.

What do I mean by a Grange Gathering? This should be event that brings Grangers together to celebrate who we are and our core values. It could be an event where we say thank you to our members for all their hard work with a dinner. It could be getting together and doing a community service project that day as a group effort. Granges could get together for an old fashion cookout and sing Grange songs around a campfire. States that have Grange camping caravans they could all gather at a Grange hall that day (weekend). A State, Pomona or even Granges regionally in a state could have a dinner dance or a mini-golf tournament. You could hold a membership rally as you use this event to reintroduce your Grange to the community.

Where are these ideas from? Some I have thought of but most were from conversations I have had with other Grangers. Some of them are events that Granges hold now or used to hold. As you can see it is up the Grange hosting the Gathering what they do.

Who will coordinate the Grange Gathering? Good question, this event will not be held at one location sponsored by the National Grange like the rededication was last year. We realized that travel is an issue with raising costs this year. So the intent is to have State, Pomona, Subordinate or State Committees host an event which will allow more members to attend. My suggestion would be that a State Grange either allow a State Committee or appoint someone to act as a point of contact (POC). That way a member would have someone to contact if they wanted to attend a Gathering event and there was not one near them or if a Granger was on vacation they could find an event near them. This POC would not be an event planner but the person with the event calendar (every Grange has one) for informational purposes.

So, why not just have one State coordinated event? Actually if a State Grange wanted to they could but with the size of some of our states holding an event in one location could be prohibitive for some members to attend. Where if a regional, Pomona or Community event would allow more members to attend and be part of the Gathering. But, I can see where some States I can see where there will be events held by all the above which would impact the largest number of members.

Will National Grange have any suggested themes? Yes the intent is for each Department and some Officers to put together a list that Granges could use. This will be made available soon on the website.

Speaking of the website is that the only place to get information about the Gathering? No I am in the process of setting up an event page on Facebook which will be used as source of information.  This event page will be available by April 1st and can be found by searching the name “Nationwide Grange Gathering”.  We will also utilize the blogs on the National Grange website to get information out.

You mentioned gathering information? Why yes thank you for asking. The intent is to put together a video of pictures and video taken of the events that day. I will also ask that you send in other information which will be sent using a form on the NG website also. Yes I will also take them via email and USPS.

Who should I contact with any questions? For now me at NGLecturer@gmail.com and eventually who ever is coordinating an event you wish to attend.


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