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Around The Grange
Ekonk Community Grange October News Update

By Sue Gray

  OCTOBER 6, 2012 --

Our officers were impressively installed in August by the Cameron/Barnes Installing Team, with 52 in attendance.  Our new President is Katie Molodich; Katie is the 3nd generation Molodich to serve at the helm and her mother, Betsy, is also a Past President!  J. Allen Cameron was presented the Past Master’s jewel of family friend, Elmer Tanner. 

Congratulations were extended to our 10 youth (+Juniors) who captured the 1st annual Spirit Award at the Northeast Youth Conference as well as 3rd place in the Drill competition!

Congratulations to our Program Director, Clifford Gervais, for his selection as part of the nationwide youth Degree Team, who will present the original degrees (1867) at the Oliver Hudson Kelley Farm in Elk River, MN, next July.

A committee of David and Susan Griffiths; Russell & Sue Gray and Link Cooper were appointed to Chair the “Home at Last” fundraiser for this October 13th (Roast Beef supper benefit).  Mark your calendars and plan to attend this great meal, for a wonderful cause!

Fair officers elected for 2013 include:  Link Cooper, President; Susan Griffiths, Vice President; Shelley Racine, Treasurer and Sue Gray, Secretary.

We voted to nominate the Mother/Daughter team of Betsy and Katie Molodich as our candidates for Outstanding Young/Outstanding Farmer!  They are indeed, quite the powerful team!

Many of our members volunteered at Sterling Family Day, which was a huge success!  The weather, however, made it necessary to postpone the Fireworks until the next night.

We will take our entry in “Three Cheers for the USA” to Richmond Grange on November 16th; this will also be presented at our November 5th meeting and Clifford Gervais, Program Dir., told us that Nov. 5th was also the day that icon, Roy Rogers, was born-so you can be sure Roy will be mentioned in the program!

Come visit us anytime; we will greet you with a smile!


Oct. 13: Roast Beef Supper 5pm-

Oct. 26: Halloween Family Fun 6pm

Nov. 4: Membership Incentive Luncheon 1pm



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